Boo-ets for Two Clarinets Bundle Pack
Boo-ets for two clarinets are original Halloween-themed compositions by Jenny Clarinet with a focus on clarinet FUNdamentals! These duets are frighteningly fun for both students and teachers, and they add a wicked twist to a Halloween recital 🎃
Bonus: You can substitute bass clarinet for any boo-et and part
This download includes my original 13 Boo-ets for Two Clarinets and Boo-ets: The Sequel (click on each title for specific info)
Listen to Ballad of the Broken Reed here.
You might also enjoy my Halloween Odyssey for clarinet quartet, Requiem for a Reed for clarinet quartet, Trick or Trio for three clarinets, and Franken-Scales (to add a terrifying twist to your Halloween scale routine).