• Clarinet Pick-Up Lines

    Happy Valentine’s Day!  Here are some clari-nerdy pick up lines guaranteed to garner the love of that special someone! Are you the Kell 17 Staccato Studies? Because you’ve got me tongue-tied! Are you the first movement of the Copland concerto? Because you take my breath away! Are you the Nielsen concerto? Because you make my heart beat faster! Are you Benny Goodman? Because you make me want to sing, sing, sing! Are you a Stravinsky polyrhythm? Because you’re hard to follow! Are you a Brahms sonata? Because I can’t get enough of you! Are you the Mendelssohn Scherzo? Because I always make a fool of myself around you! Are you…

  • How to Winter-Proof Your Clarinet

    Blustery cold, wind-tangled hair, dry hands, chapped lips…winter isn’t for the faint of heart! If you’re dreaming of warmer days, you’re not alone – your clarinet is also eagerly awaiting the sun and humidity of summer. Harsh winter conditions can wreak havoc on your clarinet. From the bomb cyclone to other arctic conditions, winter weather is unforgiving to clarinets, causing tuning issues, unpredictable reeds, and cracks. Here are a few preventative steps to protect your wooden clarinet this winter: Avoid drastic temperature changes. Cold winter air outside + overactive heating inside = a recipe for disaster. Try to keep your clarinet as stable as possible, in regards to temperature. Warm…

  • New Year’s Resolutions for Musicians

    I love hitting the refresh button every year on December 31st. There’s something invigorating about starting fresh on January 1, with a newfound reserve of motivation and determination. Longtime Jenny Clarinet readers know that I love lists, and New Year’s resolutions are no exception. For the past few years, I’ve used NYE as an opportunity to evaluate all that I’ve done throughout the year and prepare myself for the year to come. A little bit of planning and organization now will help you save time and sanity later in the year. Plus, this is a cozy and productive way to stay inside on these cold winter days. Here are some…

  • ♪ 12 Days of Scalemas ♪

    ‘Tis the season – for scales! The concept is simple: much like the annoyingly catchy holiday song, you’ll be given a new item (in this case, scale) each day. By the end of the 12 days, you’ll have the gift of scale mastery (which, in my humble opinion, is much better than swans a-swimming and maids a-milking). Choose your difficulty level – beginner, intermediate, or advanced – and a start date. Commit to learning, relearning, or practicing the assigned scales each day, and you’ll emerge a more technically proficient musician by the end of the holiday season! 12 Days of Scalemas – Beginner 12 Days of Scalemas – Intermediate 12…

  • 12 Days of Clarinet Christmas, Part II

    Back by popular demand – the 12 Days of Clarinet Christmas, repertoire edition! My original 12 Days of Clarinet Christmas (which you can read here) is a countdown of scale, etude, and other exercises to improve clarinet fundamentals. This second installment is a collection of (mostly) standard repertoire for clarinet. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I hope my suggestions give you ideas for what pieces to play next. Whether you’re looking for new pieces to perform in 2017 or searching for music to add to your bucket list, I hope these ideas inspire you and help you to share the greatest gift of all – music! 12 Orchestral excerpts Beethoven – Symphony…

  • Spring Cleaning: Clarinet Edition

    It’s that time of year again, when you trade in your peppermint mochas for iced coffee, bid adieu to your winter jacket, shamelessly post pictures of blooming flowers on social media…..and reluctantly realize you should really start your spring cleaning. If the idea of spring cleaning is foreign to you, I’m here to help. I’m a lifelong professional neat-freak and organizer. I don’t let seasons dictate my cleaning habits, although there’s something satisfying about marking the end of winter with a clean space. I am a firm believer in the power of an organized room. If you are surrounded by visual clutter, it is transferred into mental clutter (aka stress!). If…

  • New Years Resolutions Every Musician Should Make

    It’s that time of year again, when we swear off carbs, late-night Netflix binges, and vow to spend every spare moment at the gym. There’s something magical about a new year and a fresh start, and even if you don’t make resolutions, it’s a great opportunity for you to assess what went well the past year and how you can improve the next. Below are my suggestions for resolutions I believe every musician should make, along with a few tips I’ve learned from making (and breaking) these. Update your press kit. Check your resume, CV, biography, discography, and all other publicity materials for mistakes and add new accomplishments. This is also a great…

  • ‘Twas the Night Before the Concert

    ‘Twas the Night Before the Concert ‘Twas the night before the concert, when all through the hall not a note was sounded, not even a trumpet call. The reeds were tucked into their case, the best one first in hopes that the best would not become worst. The musicians were tossing all night in their beds, nightmares of squeaks and wrong notes danced in their heads. And Director in his tux, and I in my tails, had just scrambled our brains after squeaks and wails. When out in the greenroom there came such a noise I sprang from my chair trying to keep my poise. Across the stage I ran…

  • Holiday Themed Warm-up Routine for All Ages

    It’s that time of year again – when the fireplace crackles as you sip your skinny peppermint mocha under a fleece blanket and watch It’s a Wonderful Life for the umpteenth time.  The air is filled with magic (unless you’re a bah humbug) and a slight chill to the air.  For musicians, why not add some holiday cheer to your practice routine?  These exercises are great for younger students (or children at heart) to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. “Joy to the World” scales – Has you ever noticed that “Joy to the World” is just a descending major scale? To get a proper warm-up, play this…

  • Christmas Gift Ideas for the Musician in Your Life

    Depending on how you look at it, musicians can be really easy to shop for (cash is king) or really difficult (a 1982 unopened box of reeds from Mount Everest – just kidding). Whether you’re a non-musician who doesn’t know the difference between a violin and a viola or someone who can wax poetic on the legacy of lesser-known composers, this list is for you. Here are my suggestions for gift ideas for the musician in your life: Christmas tree ornament of their instrument. Classic, but cute. Business cards. If you know the design the musician wants, you can make and order them online with services like Vistaprint. If you’re…